Need to setup a tool for tracking production orders in manufacturing. It should have the following information: (1) materials inventory, at least material part number, name or description and quantity available, (2) list of open orders, at least order number, product number, quantity required, required date, (3) list of finished good allowed times or labor hours, at least the finished good part number and the labor hours required to complete such product, (4) BOM listing for each finished good, at least component materials and usage quantities, (5) WIP listing, at least product listing, operation stage name, quantities by product on each operation state. Based on that as the main data sources (more data sources may be added during the application development), I want the tool to help me identify and provide answers to the following questions: a. Is the material in WIP exceeding my production capacity? b. Is the material in inventory enough to fulfill my requirements based on the open orders? c. Can I estimate the tentative completion date for each order based on WIP status? d. Can I identify the bottleneck in my production flow? e. How can I handle multiple priorities based on Open Orders and WIP inventory? Based on this, help me identify the most adequate way to track this information, how/what to incorporate additional information if the information provided is not enough to answer these questions, if need to migrate this information from multiple spreadsheets into a relational database please provide entity relationship diagram assuming SQLite or DuckDB database as you deemed more efficient alternative. Please confirm you understand and start addressing these questions and scenarios one by one in the order that makes more sense to accomplish the task. Final result is expected to be a fully functional multipage application. See list of minimum requirements: (1) the landing page is a login page for a predefined Admin user with password 123456 (to be changed at first logon); (2) after successful login the very first application page is a production tracking log with an editable datagrid for the following inputs: timestamp (automatic), product (text input), quantity (numeric input), area (text input), line (text input), job number (text input), job type (text input), result (text input), fail mode (text input), comments (text input). Confirm your understanding and ask questions when further information is required.